Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Its a small world afterall - Zo, & Vic of Fashion Geek and Leaders kicking it @ Magic with The Hundreds crew. Peep game.

One of the better videos we have seen in a while!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Great two part interview giving great "streetwear" perspective from the cats over @ Weekly Drop with Alyasha of Fiberops.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Finally - Ecko x Spike Lee's 40 Acre's and A Mule.

I've been waiting for this for a long time.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

If you hadn't seen this already on the super blogs Hypbeast, or SlamXHype. Nike teamed up with the Hbo show Entourage, and Undefeated for a cameo of "limited edition sneakers", and "sneakerheads" waiting in line for some exclusive Nike Air Force 1 _________ (insert random Japanese graffiti artist). RIP "sneaker culture". Don't get me wrong Entourage is one of the better television shows on Cable right now. Playing towards their market of "cool kids", with classic sound tracks that have featured music from Lupe Fiasco to Camp Lo. To the lifestyle the characters live through the "trials and tribulations" of being a high profiled actor in the city of Lost Angels. Undefeated being such a well revered store was a perfect fit. Sub-culture's have no choice but to grow and it seems ours has reached its tipping point. As the cool kids have reached the coolest kids on TV. Don't take my word for it, go bum it from your friends On Demand this week to see how solowly but surely "streetwear culture" is reaching the masses.

Every Culture has critics, it seems these cats have stepped up to the plate to balance out the hype. Came across them over on Jeff Staple's blog, its good to see someone is thinking and not just buying into the hype.

Don't Believe The Hypebeast

Saturday, August 19, 2006

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Friday, August 04, 2006


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ok, we're back again we've been gone for a while...again. Traveling, motivating, hustling, blah blah blah. Procrastinating! and slacking! Ha. But we are officially back, and will try to keep up with the goings ons. We're a little behind on this one, but it looks like HP is trying to keep up with the time's as well. Love this new add campaign...featuring Pharell, Jay Z and a couple other moguls in the game.

HP Adds